DJI Mini 3 Pro 48MP Photo Mode (Including Panorama)

The 48 MP photo mode of the DJI Mini 3 Pro is obtained by splitting each pixel into four smaller ones. It is useful in certain situations for extra detail and large prints in easy light conditions. But the resulting pixels are tiny and can only gather a limited amount of light, so the results in low light and high dynamic range are disappointing

After the release of the basic, more affordable Mini 3, I have made a specific comparison of the Mini 3 and 3 Pro for photography

Recently DJI has lowered the price of the Mini 3 and added the 48 MP mode to the cheaper model. My analysis in the article: Mini 3 vs 3 Pro, which lightweight drone to buy?

Other relevant articles I have written include:

If you prefer to watch it as a video, you will find my YouTube version at the end of this article

Is the Photo Resolution of the Mini 3 Pro True 48MP?

The Mini 3 Pro has a Quad Bayer 0.77” sensor with a real resolution of 12 MP

This sensor can split each pixel into four smaller ones, creating a sort of 48MP resolution for a touch of extra detail in certain light conditions

In 48MP mode each pixel is much smaller, therefore the ability to gather light is reduced


We enter the 48 MP photo mode in the Photo/video menu

It works in both orientations, the traditional landscape, or the vertical mode specific to the Mini 3 Pro

48MP in the Photo menu of the Mini 3 Pro
48MP in the Photo menu of the Mini 3 Pro

Automatic Exposure Bracketing and Panorama are not available in 48MP mode, but I will try to perform them manually later on in this article

Photo Samples

I have taken the same photos both in 12 MP and in 48 MP with the same exposure and white balance values, let’s see if we can spot some differences

48MP vs 12 MP photos with the Mini 3 Pro zoomed in. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
48MP vs 12 MP photos with the Mini 3 Pro zoomed in

In this first image when zooming I can certainly see more detail and resolution in the houses of this seaside village, the more we move further up, the more we notice it

48MP vs 12 MP photos with the Mini 3 Pro zoomed in. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
48MP vs 12 MP photos with the Mini 3 Pro zoomed in

The same goes for this second image: even at this strong 300% Zoom, we can better discern the boats, cars, and houses

48MP vs 12 MP photos with the Mini 3 Pro zoomed in. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
48MP vs 12 MP photos with the Mini 3 Pro zoomed in

In this third image, the difference is even more evident

48MP vs 12MP photo with Mini 3 Pro in a relatively high dynamic range image. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
48MP vs 12MP photo with Mini 3 Pro in a relatively high dynamic range image

This image is a bit different, as it can be considered moderate to high dynamic range: the sun is to the left of the frame, at about 9 o’clock, but the clouds over Mount Etna reflect the light giving a relatively strong luminosity in the upper part of the image

If we expose to avoid burning the highlights, the elements of the ground will be quite dark, so we can test the ability of the sensor to recover the shadows while post-processing

Even in the full image, we notice that the elements in the ground have much more detail in the 12 MP photo

The previous Mini 3 Pro HDR image zoomed in. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
The previous Mini 3 Pro HDR image zoomed in

This is even more evident in the zoomed-in images

For editing and color grading all the images I have used the excellent Luminar Neo, the tool I use for editing and managing all my photos

You will find info about Luminar Neo together with a coupon for a 10% discount by entering the code “vicvideopic” using the button below

48MP Mode vs 12MP

High dynamic range 48MP photo with severe chromatic noise. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
High dynamic range 48MP photo with severe chromatic noise

With the first release of the firmware, images taken in high dynamic range situations had plenty of chromatic noise

Things have improved a lot since, but the results obtained with the 48 MP mode under these light conditions remain disappointing due to the tiny size of the pixels

The 48 MP photo mode of the Mini 3 is useful in certain situations for extra detail in easy light conditions

But it is misleading to announce a resolution of 48 MP. Some users might expect a better performance compared to the 20MP one of the Air 2S or the Mavic 3 and this is certainly not the case

Excellent low light quality at 12MP even at ISO 3200! Photo taken by Vicvideopic
Excellent low light quality at 12MP even at ISO 3200!

The Mini 3 Pro in the normal single photo mode produces noiseless images at any ISO level from 100 to 3200. This is an astonishing achievement due in part to the extensive aperture of the lens

The 48MP mode of the Mini 3 Pro produces noisy images in low light. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
The 48MP mode of the Mini 3 Pro produces noisy images in low light

In low-light situations, the 48 MP mode of the Mini 3 Pro produces images with darker shadows and a tendency to develop some chromatic noise

There is also often luminance noise in uniform areas like the sky or the sea

This is not surprising, as several high-end video cameras adopt the opposite strategy: they offer a reduced amount of pixels compared to what the sensor size would normally allow, to increase the size of the pixels for better performance in low light

More detail about Night photography with the Mini 3 Pro in my specific article

AEB and Panorama in 48MP mode

A failed attempt at a manual HDR image at 48MP with the Mini 3 Pro. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
A failed attempt at a manual HDR image at 48MP with the Mini 3 Pro

Automatic Exposure Bracketing

I have tried to take bracketed photos in 48 MP mode. I had to do it manually by modifying the value for shutter speed each time for five photos

The results are not satisfying, as there is a lapse of a few seconds between each shot, therefore the drone drifts a little bit, and some elements in the images may move

The merged images contain a good amount of ghosting that ruins the final result

More details about AEB photography with the Mini 3 Pro

Manual 48MP panorama with the Mini 3 Pro. Photo taken by Vicvideopic
Manual 48MP panorama with the Mini 3 Pro


I have tried a manual panorama using seven vertical 48 MP images

The result is excellent with huge resolution and plenty of detail

This is an interesting way to use 48MP photos, especially for large prints but only in friendly light conditions

More details about Panorama photography with the Mini 3 Pro

If You Prefer to Watch it as a Video


I am Vittorio Caramazza, aka Vicvideopic, the founder of this website and author of all the posts. I am a videographer and photographer contributing to several stock agencies. I am an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop and Lightroom. I have 10 years of experience with dron videography and photography. I was struck by drone syndrome in 2013. I have owned and tested in depth the following drones: Phantom 3, Phantom 4, Phantom 4 Pro, Mavic 2 Zoom, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic Mini, Mini 2, Air 2, Air 2s, Autel Evo Nano Plus, Mavic 3, Mini 3 Pro, Mini 3. My home has turned into a breeding ground for drones. I am the owner of two YouTube channels specializing in Videography and Photography, with a focus on drones My main channel is VicVideopic (in English): My other channel is Drone Mitico, the Italian version.: I am currently based in Sicily (Southern Italy), but I tend to move quite often. After all, this is one of the main benefits of being a digital nomad…

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