DJI Mini 3 and 3 Pro, How to Fly Over Water Safely

Flying over water with a drone can be pretty spectacular and fun

Flying over water with the DJI Mini 3 and 3 Pro is possible, but requires preparation and attention. There are some important best practices to minimize the risks. Some are specific to the Mini 3 Pro, while others apply to any drone of the DJI Prosumer line

Here are some related articles that you may find useful:

If You Prefer To Watch It As a Video

Is the Mini 3 Pro Water resistant?

Like most prosumer drones, the Mini 3 is not waterproof. It is able to stand a few drops of rain, but it gets very quickly damaged or destroyed by water

Even worst in the case of spray from salty waves. In windy conditions be aware of waves and avoid flying close to the sea. The same applies when flying over waterfalls

Aerial close-up view of a waterfall in Iceland shot with a drone
Aerial close-up view of a waterfall in Iceland shot with a drone

Downward Sensors Get Fooled by Water

A major unexpected issue is due to the fact that the downward sensors do not work properly over water, as they struggle to analyze reflective surfaces

They get fooled by the changes in luminosity, so the elevation of the aircraft shown on screen is often misleading when flying at low altitudes. Under these circumstances, you should not rely on the downward sensors to protect from entering the water

Aerial view over water of the East coast of Sicily near Catania, taken with a drone
Aerial view over water of the East coast of Sicily near Catania, taken with a drone

Even when simply advancing straight ahead, the drone may raise or descend slightly as it wrongly detects an obstacle at a close distance below

The higher the aircraft flies, the more accurate the reading of the altitude by the downward sensors, as the water is seen more as a solid surface rather than a reflective one

I would suggest to inexperienced users to remain at an altitude of at least 30 meters or 100 feet when flying over water for the first time, especially in the case of waves

Return To Home

Instead of immediately flying out over the water, it is better to let the drone hover near the take-off point until the home point is updated, so that the aircraft can return to the correct position in case of a loss of signal

It is also a useful test to make sure the aircraft is behaving correctly before flying out

Before flying it is also a good idea to check the RTH settings. In the Safety Settings of DJI Fly app, by going to Advanced Safety Settings we can select the behavior of the aircraft in case of signal loss, with the options RTH, Descend, and Hover

  • Descend must absolutely be avoided, as we obviously don’t want to land in the water
  • Hover is a suitable option, in this case, the drone will remain static and we can bring it home manually
  • In most cases the most suitable option is RTH, as the aircraft will immediately move toward the home point, thus saving precious battery life
Advanced Safety Settings in the DJI Mini 3 Pro to select the behavior in case of signal loss
Advanced Safety Settings in the DJI Mini 3 Pro to select the behavior in case of signal loss

In the Safety Settings, it is possible to specify the RTH altitude

In case of loss of signal, the aircraft will ascend to this altitude before making its way to the home point and then descending for landing

While flying over water, in most cases the route will be clear of obstacles like tall trees and buildings, so we can set a low value of around 30 meters, thus saving battery life

Update the Home Point

If the operator is moving, for example on a boat, it is suggested to regularly update the home point. Many beginners believe that the home point is always where the controller is, but this is not always the case

Aerial view of a small boat advancing in a fjord in Iceland, taken with a drone
Aerial view of a small boat advancing in a fjord in Iceland, taken with a drone

The Home Point is set where the satellites connect after take off, in general close to the starting point

But if the operator is moving, the home point will remain in that position, which can be very far at the moment of the Return To Home

It is always possible to check the position of the Home Point on the map, it will be shown by a yellow circle around an H, while the position of the remote controller is shown by a blue dot, and the aircraft by a triangular shape

It is possible to modify the position of the Home Point at any time in the tab Safety of the Settings by selecting the option Update Home Point

A map appears on the screen with the position of the aircraft and the controller. It is then possible to drag the yellow circle around to move the Home Point manually, or else it can be automatically updated to the position of the aircraft or the position of the controller by tapping on the two icons on the right

Taking off from a moving boat is a very advanced operation to be done only by very experienced users. In this circumstance, it is crucial to be able to take off and land from the hand  

Weather Conditions

Always check the weather conditions before flying over water, especially the wind conditions

The Mini 3 Pro is relatively powerful for its size, but it is a lightweight model with limited wind resistance

Windy conditions over water are even more dangerous because of the possibility of spraying from big waves

Top-down aerial view of a volcanic cliff over the ocean in Iceland
Top-down aerial view of a volcanic cliff over the ocean in Iceland

In the case of medium to strong winds, it is suggested to start flying into the wind whenever possible. If we should notice that the aircraft struggles to advance, it will be easy to land it safely

If the drone starts off flying with the wind behind, it will quickly get very far away and it might be impossible to bring it back into the wind

If the wind is too strong coming back, lower the altitude to about 20 to 25 meters, as the wind is less powerful at a low altitude, and set the speed mode to Sport for extra power

If the drone still cannot make it, try to come back at a slight angle compared to the wind, making occasional turns

Be Aware of Obstacles

When flying a drone, it is always important to know where the surrounding obstacles are. Even more so when flying over water, as in case of a collision the aircraft will sink leaving no chance of recovering it

Over water, there are fewer chances of encountering traditional obstacles, like trees, buildings, and electric wires
But there are other ones, specific to this situation, like waves, birds, and boats

When flying over water with the wind on the back, it is impossible to notice the approach of a big wave, therefore it is recommended to maintain a distance from the surface of the water of at least 15 meters or 50 feet

Some birds, like seagulls, can have an aggressive attitude toward drones, also we don’t want to disturb wildlife. Therefore avoid flying in an area where you notice the presence of birds

Be aware of seagulls when flying over the sea with a drone
Be aware of seagulls when flying over the sea with a drone

If you should notice the presence of a bird in the surrounding while filming, avoid having the aircraft in a static position and raise in altitude

Also when flying backward or sideways we might not notice approaching ships or small boats. Once again I suggest avoiding low flying to reduce the risk of a crash

Check the Battery Level

Always check the battery level before taking off and make sure to have enough battery life, especially if you plan to fly relatively far out over the water

I suggest keeping the aircraft in the line of sight at a distance of no more than 300 meters. Start bringing the bird home with at least 30% of battery remaining to avoid too much stress 


I am Vittorio Caramazza, aka Vicvideopic, the founder of this website and author of all the posts. I am a videographer and photographer contributing to several stock agencies. I am an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop and Lightroom. I have 10 years of experience with dron videography and photography. I was struck by drone syndrome in 2013. I have owned and tested in depth the following drones: Phantom 3, Phantom 4, Phantom 4 Pro, Mavic 2 Zoom, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic Mini, Mini 2, Air 2, Air 2s, Autel Evo Nano Plus, Mavic 3, Mini 3 Pro, Mini 3. My home has turned into a breeding ground for drones. I am the owner of two YouTube channels specializing in Videography and Photography, with a focus on drones My main channel is VicVideopic (in English): My other channel is Drone Mitico, the Italian version.: I am currently based in Sicily (Southern Italy), but I tend to move quite often. After all, this is one of the main benefits of being a digital nomad…

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